Ethan is now 14 pounds and almost 23 inches long. He's in the 100% for weight and 70% for height. I guess we can stop worrying about if he's getting enough milk. Sheez!!
Jacob a few days before we found his ears again.(haircut)
Bailey giving me a smile.
Ethan's not too thrilled with his halloween costume. As chubby as he is he makes a great pumpkin.
Don't you love it when the kids get out all the halloween costumes out and try to decide what to be for halloween? I think Kyle needs to rethink what to dress up as. Hahaha! He had a goofy moment and I got it on camera. I said I wouldn't post it on facebook but the that's a different story. Muwahahhahahahaha! (evil laugh)
My neice Leslie lives in Germany so we haven't seen her in 3 years. She was able to come for a visit and we finally got to meet her twin girls, Talia and Coral.
Hmmm, what could I write about myself?? I spend my days with 7 children and that leaves little time for individuality. I'm a breasfeeding,baby wearing,cloth diapering,co-sleeping,homeschooling mother of 7 and proud of it. I think that just about says it all.