Saturday, March 22, 2008

Not a Blogger!

I'm just terrible with this whoile blogging thing. I just download a few pictures now and then but never write anything. So here I am. My sister Kay was sweet enough to come over and set me up with a blog and here I am slacking off. Things in the Kendall household are going great. I recently pulled all the kids from public school and made the choice to homeschool. It is going better than I thought it would. I always felt I would not have the patience to home school but I find that my patience has increased by having them home with me. We are having a great time. I'm learning right along with them and remembering things I thought I'd forgotten. There is more peace in the house now...less fighting amoungst the kids. Take about a breath of fresh air! They're less stressed so they're not all grumpy and fighting like they used to. Before it felt like a war zone in our house as soon as they walked in from school. It was the dreaded hour of the day. Now we no longer have to rush around in the mornings to catch a bus. Instead, now we get up,eat breakfast,say family prayer and do scripture study before we start school. At our own pace so we can relax. We're all loving it!
The kids have been keeping busy with their church activities. Some days I feel like it's all too much. Kyle has a lot of scout activities. The past few weekends he's been gone. First, it was youth conference,then a scout campout and this weekend he went camping in ice caves. He's always out doing his home teaching. On those sundays I don't see him all day! Cassidy and Bailey love going to achievement days with the other girls from church. They've enjoyed getting together with the other kids that homeschool from church. Jacob has enjoyed having his siblings home during the day.He's been doing some preschool while the kids are working in their workbooks. He loves "doing school". He always calls it that. Hayden is growing up fast! He's now 5 months old. He rolls over both ways. He's always smiling and laughing. He's the happiest baby I've ever met. He is such a blessing to have in this family.He is so sweet! We went to the pool this friday. All the kids had a great time.It was Hayden's first time in a swimming pool. He was splashing like crazy! What a treat he thought that was!
Well now that I've practically typed a novel......haha!! I guess I really got going there. Maybe I'm a blogger after all!

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