Sunday, November 30, 2008

Baby #6 is on the way!

We have another baby on the way. It was a surprise but not unplanned. I'm still a bit in shock over it, so it hasn't registered in my brain yet that I'm actually having another baby. Hayden is only a year old and seems little to me still. I wasn't going to say anything so soon but since Bob is getting ready to go on another deployment I'm going to need all the support I can get from family and friends. We're excited and pray for a healthy baby.


Nerell said...

What a surprise. Congratulations! I am so excited for you both

Anonymous said...

Of course you are, as I knew you would be. ;) I can't believe you went and got pregnant now that I am moving though. Guess I'll have to plan a trip back here in August for your baby shower. Yay!

The Mayne Attraction said...

Congrats! Very exciting news. So, we're now up to 4 people in the ward due next year. Any bets on who'll be next? Let me know if you need anything!!! And seriously, we need to get together next week. This week's just too insane for me to even think of adding anything else.

Kay said...

Congratulations Dana and Bob. Let me know if there is anything you need.

Stacy and Josh Tyhurst said...

Congatulations!! I hope everything goes well!! How exciting!