Sunday, August 17, 2008

Noise overload!

I don't know about you, but for me I like sundays. It's that one day out of the week where you can just be at peace. It's not like the other days out of the week where you are rushing here and there and everywhere and have a half million things to do and you know there's no way you're ever going to get them all done. Sunday is a break from all the craziness of the week. Sunday is the day when we can focus on spiritual things. We go to church and get spiritually filled up. The kids behaved really well during church today. Jacob was less wiggly and Kyle even gave a talk in sacrament meeting. It was when we got home that I began to suffer from noise overload. There was nonstop noise making, talking, singing in loud voices, wrestling, running in the house, yelling and screeching. There went my peaceful sunday afternoon. That's when I thought...someday my children will be grown and I'll miss all that noise. I thought how lonely this house would be without the laughter, singing, (even if it was loudly) running, and silliness and demands for my attention. I didn't get a quiet sunday afternoon like I wanted but I got something much more. I learned a valuable lesson today. I'm so grateful for the patience my children have for me as their mother. They have taught me so much about life. Even though motherhood is demanding at times it is very rewarding. There's nothing I would rather do than be here at home with my children. Let your children be little. They're only that way for awhile.


Kay said...

Wise words from a wise mother! Amen sister. You are amazing. I miss you.

Anonymous said...

You are such a good mother!